Throughout life, one can remember their parents sharing stories about life which seemed to be teachable moments. Due to youth or lack of experience, an individual may not understand the significant value of these stories. However, as an adult they may now realize the stories their parents shared were in fact teachable moments designed to aid them in their personal development. Many parents used stories such as The Boy Who Cried Wolf and The Tortoise and the Hare to teach the importance of telling the truth and not playing games over serious matters. In addition, they taught the value of being persistent regardless of what everyone else does. Each week, some parents may also share Bible stories; one can recall hearing about David and Goliath, Joseph the dreamer, and the parable of the Prodigal Son. Over the past few weeks, the reexamine/study the parable of the Prodigal Son has allowed an understanding that it is more than just the story which focuses on a lost son who found his way back home. In fact, it displays the overwhelming display of a father’s love more than the sins of a son or it can be stated his sons. The parable is located in the New Testament of the Bible in the gospel recorded by Luke. It can be found in chapter number fifteen beginning with verse number eleven through verse thirty-two. In this same chapter, Jesus spoke of two preceding parables, one which told of a lost sheep and a shepherd’s joy, located in Luke chapter number fifteen verses number one through seven. Additionally, the gospel of Luke records another parable in which Jesus speaks of a coin that a woman lost and spent all day searching for it. She found her coin which was lost and rejoiced greatly after she found the coin. It seemed fitting to tell another story which would show the unconditional love a father has for his sons. Although, the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son speaks of three separate incidences