Roosevelt simply acted in the interests of the common working man, fixing things that they found unjust. For years, the poor and immigrants were unhappy with treatment from their big-business employers. Their long working hours and exploitation of children were, among other things, exposed by the Muckrakers. The Muckrakers were journalists who exposed corruption in business and politics and made many of their readers angry. These new reformers took over the old Populist idea that the government should work for the public 's economic well being.
Reform groups near the turn of the century were interested in the moral changes of the way the government and businesses were run. They wanted the government to be more open and listen to the people. Also, they wanted the government to put more effort into protecting the well being of all citizens. This would require government action to regulate business, improve public health and safety and make sure that every citizen had the chance to succeed and to be happy.
Today there are also many reform groups. Just like the progressives of the early twentieth century, modern reformers are trying to change things for the better. One modern reformer is Ralph Nader. Nader is a leader in the consumer-protection movement. He organized investigative teams of young lawyers, consumer specialists, and students, popularly
Bibliography: Barbuto, Domencia. American Settlement Houses and Progressive Social Reform. New York: Orynx Press, 1999. Buenker, John. Progressivism. Chicago: Schenkman Books, 1977. Michaels, John. Reform in American History. 25 April 2000. <ONLINE> <> Miller, Randall A, ed. American Reform and Reformers: A Biographical Dictionary. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996.