
The Pros And Cons Of Assisted Suicide

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[Should The Terminally Ill Have A Choice?] If you were suffering from an incurable disease and were in constant pain, Would you rather choose the option of assisted suicide or fight through the pain and hope for the best.
Assisted suicide is killing oneself with the help of another person; usually a medical professional does this. Assisted suicide is a newer debate and just recently came up, but assisted suicide has been around since the Romans. The issues decides if it should be legal for terminally ill patients (People who have a disease that will kill them and has no cure) to end their life as long as it's less than 1 year before their estimated death. One side of the argument wants assisted suicide to be illegal in all states and that no form of suicide should be tolerated and the other side of the argument says that it's a person's right to have the choice of assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is a newly discussed topic and is currently illegal; however it's time to allow terminally ill
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”Assisted suicide should be legalized so that each individual can control the circumstances of his or her death, and to offer relief to those who suffer from incurable pain and disease”(Alexander).Many people who are going through these terminally ill see life in a way that others can’t. They have lost all hope and are in constant pain and if you had the knowledge that you were going to suffer a painful death for the next year, you would choose to go an easier way. Another way to think of assisted suicide is that it's not a patient killing himself for no reason except to end their life but instead a patient will see a doctor who will assist in his or her death, and their death will only be earlier and with less suffering than themselves dying of their illness. Allowing people with the option of Assisted suicide gives them more comfort when they pass

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