Most people think it is instinctive for women to know how to breastfeed, but contrary to what they believe it is not that simple. Doctors agree that breastfeeding is better because through breast milk children get their first antibodies to prevent some diseases from their mother via the breast milk. This also forms a special bond between the mother and the baby. Also with breast feeding there is less reflux and colic in the babies compared to the ones that are bottle fed. I interviewed Mrs. Brown she works at the local Head Start and has three children. She stated that she tried breastfeeding all three of her children, but stopped because she did not like it. She stated she felt violated. Being experienced in Early Childhood Development she knew the importance of the colostrum a natural medicine given off when the baby is born to help the baby’s immune system. Being unsuccessful she decided just to pump the milk and bottle feed. She did this for a couple of weeks with each child. After that she continued on bottle feeding until they got to the age or one. Another interview I did was with Ms. Sharon Scott, she is a server at a local restaurant. She is the mother of two that …show more content…
has similar feelings to breastfeeding as Mrs. Brown to being violated or awkward. She said she tried it for a few minutes and just could not do it and gave up. This was with her first child and after that experience she never tried it again. Her children never received the Colostrum and experienced numerous occasions of reflux, colic as well as the baby had problems with the formula and ended up switching about three times until they ended up putting him on a soy formula. According to Dr. Jeanne Ballard FAAP, of the Children’s Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati, Ohio says, “It is a living substance tailor made for one’s own baby”. It is a natural and safe vaccine with protective white cells that can destroy disease causing viruses and bacteria. It also helps the newborn pass stools easily. There are a lot of advantages to breast feeding but the colostrum is at the top of the list. Some other advantages would be less spitting up and colic for the baby. It is cheaper that having to buy bottles and formula. There is less childhood obesity with children that are breastfed. You can feed on demand. Breastfed babies have fewer ear infections. Breastfeeding is also good for the mothers health and helps in losing weight. Some disadvantages that come with breastfeeding such as changing more diapers, moms cannot take some medications because it is passed through breast milk. The mothers have to watch what they eat and some have special diets which can also be expensive. At times breast feeding can be painful, you cannot share feeding with the father or other family members that would like to share in the bond with the child. Another disadvantage is feeding in public. A lot of women say that they are uncomfortable feeding in public because of the looks they get or what people may say. This led me to think is there a law when it comes to public feeding.
I found an article that states that in September 1999 President Bill Clinton signed into law the “Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act” to make breastfeeding legal anywhere on federal property. There is also a “Pregnancy Discrimination Act Amendment ( H.R. 1478)” prevents nursing women in the workplace from being fired or otherwise discriminated against for expressing milk or breastfeeding during lunch or break time. The Breastfeeding Promotion Employers Tax Incentive Act (H.R. 1163) gives tax credits to employers who install nursing mother’s stations at the workplace. Some companies such as Hewlett-Packard and Kellogg’s have already put such rooms on
site. When comparing bottle feeding to breastfeeding I have researched and came up with this information. The children that are breastfed from the beginning of life fair a lot better than those that are bottle fed. They receive antibodies from their mother’s milk that protect them from some childhood illnesses. They have less colic, stomach upset, spit up problems and milk allergies that those that are bottle fed. The mothers do not have to spend money buying formula or extra bottles compared to those that are bottle fed. Mothers can feed on demand instead of preparing a bottle. With bottle feeding you can transport the milk in premade bottles or make it when needed. More family members can participate in the feeding compared to the breast because only the mother can do that. Mothers have to be careful what they eat or consume because it could be transferred to the baby through breast milk and cause problems.
K. Brown: AAS Early Childhood Education: Head Start 1997-Present
S. Scott Food Services Worker
Colostrum: The Liquid Gold Before Breast Milk, Brenda Nixon
Dr. Jeanne Ballard FAAP, of the Children’s Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati, Ohio