exclusion is that one must be an eligible citizen, as set of by the people. A democracy is very hard to maintain; people always want power to themselves or let things make them more elit i.e. money, gender, The people in the position to delegate must stay neutral or balanced in opinions so that one side is not over represented. Indigenous peoples, women, minorities, people with disabilities, migrant workers and members of their families are equally represented in a democracy as they ensure inclusivity for all groups, including equality and equity in respect of access to civil and political rights.
The promotion of human rights is the main reason this government system can spread so easily like it did after World War II. Everyone wants a chance to succeed and not be discriminated just, because they are different then a white male. Even though the “white male” is now a minority as females outnumber them two to one. Human rights are just that rights. They provide each individual an opportunity to do as they need. This is established by everyone not just the minority fighting the majority. The citizens control the rule of the land, “widespread, virtually continual voting by millions of citizens on whatever proposals surfaced.” (Direct Democracy) The right to participate in government, a right to education, and a right to vote are all provided in a
democracy. There is no weighted crime punishment just for one’s title. A president can commit the same crime a civilian does and will face the same punishment. This applies to everyone and every crime. The failure to do this disrupts the balance. The government is for the people and made by the people so it is crime by the people punished by the people. They will be given a jury of their peers so that there is less bias. It is known that all bias can not be dissolved. There is the fact that “democracy incorporates elements of nomocracy [the rule of the law] and pantisocracy [the rule of everyone equally],” which distributes punishment among those who deserve it. (Direct Democracy) The most important establishments in a democracy is freedom. Freedom allows everyone to exist in peace. Freedom differs from natural rights; it is liberation to speak, worship, learn in any way one finds necessary. Freedom of speech in the United States in established in the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. There are rules to protect other citizens rights, but one can voice their opinion no matter the opinion. Natural rights are the people's rights that should be unspoken freedoms, but have been resisted so there are rules set up so everyone is granted their freedom. Freedom of religion is vital. Nothing should be forced upon anyone. Religion is a freedom because without it people are secluded. Education is provided by public schools. There is education so that no one can be discriminated against, because they did not have an opportunity to get a diploma. Everyone wants freedom, because they want to be able to be themselves and do what is right for themselves. Many will say that a democracy will not work. Even the United States has never been a direct democracy. There are “some countries which hold democratic elections are plagued by systematic abuses of social rights or discrimination of minority groups or women are known as illiberal democracies.” (Kainz) One would argue citizens are not informed enough to run a country by themselves or they are not intelligent enough or their ideas do not matter. How can they elect officials to support ideas if they do not know the information? Another issue is what if the majority is wrong and makes a bad call on the behalf of the whole country. There as to be a trust in the society that issues are discussed before petitioned or voted upon. Mistakes happen. False advertisement is apart of the issue of a direct democracy, because it informs but it misinforms. Advertisement in this day in age is how information is spread so there has to be away to better regulate or inform. In conclusion, direct democracy is the people’s voice of a government. Their is a system of rules and a ruler, a constitution and the people. There are fundamental freedoms set up for these people, the majority and minority. They have equality and human rights. This system of government is superior to others as it provides for its country in the best possible way. This government is advanced as it is "one of the few truly robust findings in international relations is that established democracies never go to war with one another." (Lagon)