Everyday there are immigrants who try to enter the U.S. illegally. Among those who cross approximately eight percent of the illegal immigrants die from heat stroke, dehydration, and hyperthermia. It is a tremendous risk to those crossing, but a significant reward to try to have the “American Dream”. Although, some of the illegal immigrants crossing the border have different intentions than the American dream. An online article states “Illegal immigration is undeniably a problem in the US and one that has been especially pressing since the terrorist incidents of September 11, 2001.” It has been a substantial issue to the U.S. because the handful of immigrants who try to bring drugs and guns across the border. For these reasons the U.S. department of homeland security decided to build a border wall with the plan to keep our country
Everyday there are immigrants who try to enter the U.S. illegally. Among those who cross approximately eight percent of the illegal immigrants die from heat stroke, dehydration, and hyperthermia. It is a tremendous risk to those crossing, but a significant reward to try to have the “American Dream”. Although, some of the illegal immigrants crossing the border have different intentions than the American dream. An online article states “Illegal immigration is undeniably a problem in the US and one that has been especially pressing since the terrorist incidents of September 11, 2001.” It has been a substantial issue to the U.S. because the handful of immigrants who try to bring drugs and guns across the border. For these reasons the U.S. department of homeland security decided to build a border wall with the plan to keep our country