But sending this bandwidth-intensive traffic over the network without any priority could still cause quality issues, so Verizon could offer a managed service that allows the HD 3D video stream to use its infrastructure and get [high priority] through the network, so it runs smoothly. Verizon could charge the hospital, which would likely charge the patient, for the use of this …show more content…
Supporters of net neutrality argue, that service providing companies can suppress or block content from sites if the service provider does not agree with the sites views. In the article “Net Neutrality: Should Congress pass legislation mandating net neutrality?” on the College of the Canyons Issues & Controversy website it states “ISPs can also slow the operating speeds of certain sites, either because those sites pay less money or because the ISPs object to their content”. The article also goes on to say that supporters of net neutrality urge “Internet users should have equal access to all types of information online, and that companies offering internet service should not be able to give priority to some sources or certain types of content”. Without net neutrality all internet content would be at the mercy of the service provider; however, opponents argue that large companies have already ‘gone on record’ stating they wouldn’t do such things and that the service providing companies could legally be held accountable if they did