
The Pros And Cons Of Progressivism

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The Pros And Cons Of Progressivism
Created equally, with the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, human beings have been seduced by the promises of the power-thirsty. The coaxed souls blindly follow the corrupted “influencers” into a crooked hole they call the “perfect” society; in reality, this is a place of tyranny, where the supreme power is placed in the hands of a government full of lust for ultimate dominance. The perspective, Progressivism, proposes such twisted community, in which equality can be achieved with an “all mighty” democratic government, but behind the promises, lies its citizen stripped of their natural rights bestowed upon them by their Creator. The Founding, exploits these unlawful and unjust actions, advocating the righteous perspective …show more content…
With the decrease of governmental restrictions, as the Progressives demand, people would be forced down the crooked hole of imprisonment. Goodnow spoke of “…the sphere of governmental action … continually widening and the actual content of individual private rights … being increasingly narrowed,” analogous to one who is imprisoned and stuck in a state of incapability to practice their rights as human beings. People would be convicted for expressing freedom, which was the foundation for the United States, and become prisoners to the “supreme” but unconstitutional government. In contrast, the Founding perspective reminded people of their purpose as individuals, to have the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and oppose or remove the power of government officials “…devolve into the hands of those who gave it, who may place it anew where they shall think best, for their safety and security,” and not bees who follow commands of a queen, advocating a tyrant like governmental

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