Sulfur resides in many products, and all of these products serve different purposes. Sulfur is found in matches and gunpowder. Again, …show more content…
for sulfurs unique abilities, in burning, it can aid combustion and making fires. When one rubs phosphorous and sulfur together it burns instantly. Which these are both the elements used in making matches. Sulfur helps the rate of combustion in gun powder with its “reactions at relatively low temperatures” (quora). Since it reacts at low temperatures rockets, fire arms, and etc. do not need much heat to fire off. This makes gunpowder a very practical asset in combustion, and that is all possible with sulfur. The most important use by far, of sulfur, is the making of sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid has many uses in the modern world today.
It is often regarded as the most “important chemical manufactured by western civilizations” (rsc). You can find sulfuric acid in fertilizers and batteries. For batteries, the lead used in batteries reacts with this acid and can generate power. (Hunker) With these two together, they produce electrons with enough electro-negative energy to power lots of appliances we use today. For fertilizers, can help plants grow with the help of sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid on its own is very dangerous, and hard to handle. Also, plants cannot absorb sulfuric acid very easily on their own. In order for plants to absorb it, and have it safely handled by humans, phosphorous must be chemically reacted. This reaction with phosphorous, and sulfuric acid, makes phosphoric acid. Manufactures will use this acid to aid them in making fertilizers, thus making stronger and healthier plants. Without sulfur, the mass production of both batteries and fertilizers would not be possible. We would not have phones or surplus of vegetables for supermarkets. Also, I never would have thought that with sulfurs corrosive and burnable qualities that it would serve a purpose in a living …show more content…
The human body cannot survive without sulfur.
Sulfur comprises a lot of the human body since it’s the one of “most abundant [minerals] in the body” (healthfree). You need a lot of sulfur to make proteins. If the body cannot make enough proteins, living beings cannot function. Which means living beings will not have enzymes, hormones, tissue, or hemoglobin. Living beings need hormones to carry out chemical reactions. They also need hormones so that they carry out messages between cells. Proteins also help make up tissue in the body, and without it living beings will become weaker structurally. Proteins are also needed to create hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen in blood cells. If proteins are not made to carry out any of these functions, then all living beings will surely die. Thankfully, sulfur allows us to stay alive, and help create
Sulfur helps lessen pain in our body, as well, while protecting cells. There are many toxins in the body that “suffocate…cells…[which causes pain]” (healthfree). Sulfur helps alleviate this effect. If enough sulfur resides withing the body than the cell walls of the organism will have enough strength to protect itself from these toxins. A body without sulfur will have more “allergies, stiffness, and muscle soreness” (healthfree). Everyone living being wants to feel stronger and healthier. They also want to feel beautiful aswell.
Sulfur has often been referred to as the “beauty mineral” (healthfree). Sulfur helps aid the body in the production of collagen. Collagen ensures that the body keeps our skin healthy, and recover from any gashes or bruises that have been made. Sulfur will continue to make new skin cells allowing our skin to adjust to any toxins entering the skin. Thus, our skin stays clear and acne free. I now understand that the more sulfur in the body the heathier that person or being will be.
I learned a lot through the research of sulfur. The most interesting information I found on sulfur was the implications it has in the human body. I always thought that sulfur had no presence in any living organism. I was amazed to discover that living organisms could never survive without sulfur. This initial discovery was through our class discussions, but my research helped me to fully answer my question. Since sulfur helps in the creation of proteins within the body, living organisms need the substance. Proteins help carry out so many functions in the body, and it needs all the substances it can get to make proteins. The fact that sulfur can benefit living beings to keep up their looks was also intriguing.