
The Pros And Cons Of The Banning Of Pitbulls

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The Pros And Cons Of The Banning Of Pitbulls
Around the early 80’s Pitbull’s followed their small companions all over, Pitbull owners and the public eye noticed this and the love for Pitbull’s grew. everyone stated labeling the Pitbull as a loving, stable breed and soon named them the nanny dog! In the early 90’s Out of nowhere pit bulls were recognized for having a so-called flip of a switch behavior, said “(”. Attack after attack in news headlines lead the breed onto a dark road, labeling pits as monsters followed by horror stories of lock jaw incidents and even death scenarios. As of September 2014, no states have enacted breed-specific laws, BSLs Banning pit bulls. However, there are over 700 U.S. cities in 40 states that have enacted these bans.” According to “(” because of certain situations. …show more content…
stated, “(”. A Huge play on several Pitbull attacks in the US show signs of past or current abuse, neglect and/or dog fighting. According to Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisper from animal planet reported, “The Difference between an aggressive Chihuahua and a aggressive Pitbull is that the bigger breed can cause proportionately bigger damage.” Pitbull’s that are aggressive normally come from an environment where they were trained or bred to attack and fight humans or animals. A theory suggest Pitbull’s originated from England at the time of the Norman conquest in 1066 when butchers would use large, mastiff type dogs as “Bullen beissers” which translates as “bull biter”. Overall Any dog including Pitbull’s are products of their environment and the way you raise them greatly impacts their behavior; as well as their genetics. Pitbull’s can also act out on pain, frustration or fear (, reported. I feel Pitbull’s are not aggressive, uncontrollable animals but just a living being and pushed to its limits will protect itself

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