What is 1 plus 1? The answer will be 2. How about 2 plus 2? The answer will be 4. These questions may seem “too basic” for us, it may even be a joke for someone else. But if you think about it deeply, you would have thought that you would have never known anything about addition or subtraction without your “awesome math teacher” back in elementary school. This was made possible through the Public Education that we have acquired. Public education is often neglected in this world today. Its long time presence usually makes people forget its true value. Seeing the big picture, public education has played an important role in the lives of the citizens here in the United States: it provides free education …show more content…
As it was stated in the web article “'Flipped classrooms' may not have any impact on learning” published in USA Today by Emily Atteberry, she stated that “Professors, too, had to spend considerably more time making and editing the videos and crafting engaging, hands-on sessions for their classes” (Atteberry). This simply means that the usage of the flipped classroom style of teaching may be ineffective for teachers, too--for they will be required to do additional work in order for them to impart the lessons that they have for their respective students. Furthermore, the success of the flipped classroom style of teaching is also solely based on various schools’ preferences and how they run it. As it was stated earlier, “At a public high school in Louisiana… students scored an average of 80.8 on the end-of-the-period test… Stacey Roshan as Bullis School in Maryland… proportion of students who scored a 4 or 5 on the AP exam” (Granata). This means that school preferences and approach towards the flipped classroom style of teaching may differ among schools. Granata clearly stated and provided statistics on how the Flipped Classroom style of teaching can vary based on a school’s educational policy and preferences. This indicates that Newark Memorial High School’s approach towards flipped classrooms may be poor, and would probably not be successful at all. For NMHS had always been accustomed and successful in using the traditional style of teaching, and changing it to the flipped classroom style of teaching may require months, or even years of practice and training among its