CCSS claims that “the common core knowledge will help ensure that students receive a high quality education consistent from school to school and state to state” (SAUSD), yet in reality, its oppressing the skills and characteristics that set our students apart from each other at an alarming rate. In fact, a professor at the University of Arkansas, Sandra Stotsky, who was on the committee to validate Common Core standards said, “The standards dumb American education down by about two grades worth” (Soave). Adopting common standards means bringing all states’ standards down to the lowest common denominator. This means that states with high standards are actually taking a step backwards by following the Common Core. for example, Common Core Math Will Not Prepare Students for Careers in So-Called STEM …show more content…
including the cost of state testing, textbook, teaching materials, technology, and professional development, the total nationwide cost for 7 years of the Common Core Standards Initiative is $15.8 billion dollars (Burke). The taxpayers in 45 of the 50 states that have agreed and committed to the Common Core Standards, will be left paying out the tab because the federal government, with a national debt of $17 trillion dollars, cannot come in and alleviate the cost themselves (Burke). Common Core, overall, will not improve American public school education in the slightest. If anything, it is a social experiment that will ultimately impose an inflexible, one-size-fits-all, so called ‘education’ on America’s children. It taints the way both Mathmatics and English literature is examined and instructed, and takes a monetary toll on taxpayers nationwide. because of these dismissive reasons, each and every level headed, honest American should reject the idea of the catch all way of teaching and refuse the incorporation of the Common Core in and around our public school education