The first innocent case is with Stephan Cowans who was addressed by detectives to apprehend him. Two detectives had come to see Cowans at Egleston Square then was arrested for latency. (Thomas). This was the start of how everything started going downhill for him and the false accusation that goes on for six years. The accusation that got him apprehended was Cowans shooting an officer to avoid a warrant.Cowans only owed 3 months on a warrant and it wouldn't have made sense for him to shoot an officer to avoid the warrant. (Thomas). There would be no sense for Cowans to do this …show more content…
After the judge let a second round of tests be run, the evidence was shown as not Chad’s but someone else’s (LaForiga).With the approval, the justice system can be sure to put responsibility on Heins if he actually did it. No indication of Heins ever touching the body was shown and he still was placed in prison for it.DNA testing on the victim’s body shows no indication of either Chad or Jeremy killing her.(LaForiga). Both brothers are innocent of the crime but still one of them ends up being imprisoned. This was great news for Heins when the results came back as negative with the Innocence project.Scheck says they spent hours and lots of money on this case and it seems that they are going to get the news they’ve been wanting.(Aasen). With everything going against what the system had said, Heins is wrongly