If torture is used in retaliation and as an “eye to eye” concept, then torture would be an unethical way of punishing someone (Guidebook). For this example, I would argue that torture is being used to provide the members with the realization for their actions, so torture is an unethical way of punishment. Also, torture is not a replacement for the death penalty, so it is not saving an individual’s life because in the guidebook it states that if “torture is vengeful and not being used to protect innocent lives, then it is not technically a moral reason for punishing someone” (Guidebook). Without protecting innocent lives, torture cannot be considered an ethical reason for punishing someone, so I would argue that the type of punishment that should be used is an elongated amount of jail time. Incarceration meets all the requirements for being a moral type of punishment because it doesn't cause mental harm that torture would and incarcerating the members would not be a retaliating
If torture is used in retaliation and as an “eye to eye” concept, then torture would be an unethical way of punishing someone (Guidebook). For this example, I would argue that torture is being used to provide the members with the realization for their actions, so torture is an unethical way of punishment. Also, torture is not a replacement for the death penalty, so it is not saving an individual’s life because in the guidebook it states that if “torture is vengeful and not being used to protect innocent lives, then it is not technically a moral reason for punishing someone” (Guidebook). Without protecting innocent lives, torture cannot be considered an ethical reason for punishing someone, so I would argue that the type of punishment that should be used is an elongated amount of jail time. Incarceration meets all the requirements for being a moral type of punishment because it doesn't cause mental harm that torture would and incarcerating the members would not be a retaliating