We are students in the degree program of Business and Administration Management, De Montfort University. We are doing a survey to analyze the Korean trend and its influence on Hong Kong culture. We collect personal information voluntarily provided by the respondents, and the information will only be used for academic research. After this study, all the information obtained will be safely destroyed.
1) Your gender □Male □Female
2) Your age □Below or 15 □16-20 □21-25 □26-30 □31-40 □Above 41
3) Your education □Primary below □Primary/Secondary □Degree/Bachelor □Above bachelor
4) Your income per month (HK dollars) □0-5000 □5001-10000 □10001-15000 □15001-20000 □>20001
5) What is your occupation? □Service industry □Retail and sales industry □Self-employed □Computer and technology □Professionals □Student □Unemployed □Others (Please specify): _________
6) Do you love Korean Pop music (K-Pop) □ Yes □ No
7) What K-pop artists do you know? (You can choose more than 1) □2AM □ 2NE1 □2PM □ 4minure □ C.N. blue □ F. T Island □f(x) □ Big Bang □ Se7en □ T-ara □ SHINee □ KARA □ BOA □ IU □ Beast □ G.O.D □JYJ □ Super Junior □Girl’s Generation □ other:
8) Do you like to watch Korean drama? □ Yes □ No
9) How often do you spend on watching Korean drama a week? □ 0 day □ 1-3days □ 4-6 days □ Everyday
10) Which of the following reasons explains why do you choose to watch Korean drama? □The stars □The Storyline □The setting □Not interested □Others:
11) How do you get your Korean information? □From friends □From a local music store □Online □Newspaper/Magazines □Other (Please specify)::
12) Will you buy