
The Real World In The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

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The Real World In The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins
Throughout The Hunger Games, there are vast similarities when you compare Panem and the real world current events. Suzanne Collins shows us what is wrong with the world through her literary work. She thinks that when people read her book that they would make that connection and take notice on the world and would want to make a difference. This book is an easier way of seeing the world for the people who are having trouble seeing it for what it really is. The Hunger Games may be fictional, but these are very real problems we are having everywhere present-day that including the United States and those problems are food, politics, competition and entertainment, sacrifice, and war. Collins makes food a symbol for wealth, comfort and having …show more content…
There's no say for anyone, they cannot voice an opinion because if they did or showed any kind of rebellion they would be killed and made an example of. “Democracy needs to eradicate tyranny and take over: this is a very easy and very simplistic interpretation of the plot, definitely lacking in reflection and failing to consider all aspects of the work” (the Artifice.) Throughout the book Collins make democracy something to strive for. “Collins goes beyond the simplistic and is not afraid to show the limits of that thinking”(the Artifice.) She is addressing her readers, people today, and those in a position of power now. This relates to real life because when a countries Politics does not satisfy its people because of religion or economy. And when you push a country past its breaking point they will rebel against the government. Just like what happened in Egypt only a few years ago have many things in common with The Hunger Games, decades of dictatorship and absolute ruling, corruption, and emergency law like the Capitol and President Snow. Also in Egypt almost half the population is under the poverty line, and the people wanting reform of the government and the economy exactly like the

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