In the book “The red headed Hawaiian” (53) Puana shares a scene of his childhood days, …show more content…
a memory his teacher rudely stating to him that no one with the last name “Puana” will ever live in Kahala. What this teacher is actually stating to him in a symbolic way is that number one a Hawaiian will never be sucessful enough to live in Kahala. What the teacher said only made Rudy complain more he already new that his Red hair made him stand out, and number two how could he be Hawaiian with red hair ? How could he be a Hawaiian and live in Kahala? Was questions a constent arguement that went on in Rudyʻs hair until he finally realized that being different didnʻt make him different it mad ehim unique. This is a logos appeal because it provides you with hard facts that Rudy was different and shows you the arguments that make these facts.
In the book “Big happiness” (87) Panek shows you a story of Percy Kipapa adapting to his sumo life in Japan. But Boss refused to allow Percy to be the soft person he was, boss wanted to make a sumo out of him, to make him violent but all Percy wanted was to be humble. But because of that Boss would put Percy down with words of failure like; heʻll never be sucessful in sumo if thats the way he wants to do things. But what Boss could not predict is that Percy became a really sucessful sumo by NOT pushing he also made plenty of money and was a very good sumo wrestler all around. What Boss is says here symbolizes saying Percy is a lazy Hawaiian that he needs to try harder.
This is a Logos appeal because Panek had legitament sources to where his information was given. These sources (Tyler hopkins,Troy, and Fats) all seen Percy in action on the sumo mats that gives them a strong ethos to provide Panek with true had facts.
Both these logos appeals the authos are making are connected because both characters in both books are being under estimated because they were different from others, like Percy being maybe on of th only sumos that donʻt push. People have labeled him different and in their eyes different wasnʻt ok. For Rudy hes the only red head in a community where you only see dark skinned dark haired Hawaiians.
In the book “Red Headed Hawaiian” (35) Puana shares his personal story of his free time being dedicated as a child to working on his fathers boat “Kathy.” All his friends used to criticize him about it. But little did they know that Rudy dedicating his time to working on Kathy ws making him one step closer to not being what his teacher said, which was someone with the last name “Puana” will never live in Kahala. This was helping him build the hard work pays off mentality. This made him stand out and be different because when Rudy decides he wants to be a doctor (63) not many people could do what Rudy did and turn his life around the way he did only with someone that dedicating their time like Rudy could pull something like this off. This is a pathos appeal, because it shows both the positive and the negative outcomes to him dedicating his time to Kathy the negative is that he never had a real childhood and the postive would be that this paid off in the future. In the book “Big Happiness” (117). Panek shares a story of Percyʻs time in Japan even with all the injuries Percy got, he still didnʻt give up. He was at the top of his game, even with his differences he still made it. This is a pathos appeal because it gives you emotion on what the character has been threw but even after all the injuries, he still manage to overcome them all and never give up.
Both these pathos appeals the authors are making are connected, because both characters you see in these pathos appeals have the hard work pays off mentality like Rudy being different from the other kids and working on his dads boat all his free time.
Or Like Percy being the soft and humble person he is the type of person Boss stated he would never be he was, He was still the top of his game, he didnʻt have to be like all the other sumos he could be different.
In the book “The Red Headed Hawaiian” (25) Puana shares a passage of himself and his sisters sucesses stories of what they accomplished threw out their adult years. This is an ethos appeal, because it shows the truth, he proved that he could be different and live in Kahala. Rudy Puana became the youngest associates medical director in the cancer center MD Anderson.
In the book “Big happiness” (128) Panek shares the character Percy Kipapas success story, yes Percy may have went and came up with his own technique with sumo. But fighting all the odds Percy was very sucessful after working seven days a week for seven years straight he finally got to rest. Percy is proof that being different doesnʻt matter, “him going to Japan in the first place was different” –Shane. And we should all come to peace with that. This is the reason this a ethos
Both these ethos appeals the authors are making are connected because both characters in both books are being under estimated. But in the end they come to show that you can be sucessesful no matter how different you are. Rudy puana became the youngest associate medical director in the cancer center MD Anderson, and Percy Became a very sucessesful person probably the most sucessfullest person of Waikane, maybe one of the most sucessesful sumo wrestlers in Hawaiʻi.
The author shows you the rhetorical triangle being used in both books. “The red headed Hawaiian” Puana gives you the argument that the last name Puana will never be able to live in Kahala. But he proved that all wrong, like the overall different is ok. Rudy had to fine peace and he did, and he became a very sucessesful person because of it, that if he wanted to he could buy out Kahala. All the teasing and the free time dedication working on Kathy Prepared him for sucesses.
In the book “Big happiness” Panek gave you an argument that Hawaiiansare not lazy. But Percy proved that after getting beaten to death because he was different after not giving up after all the bad injuries, after working seven days a week for almost seven years Percy proved that not all Hawaiians are lazy. Like Panekʻs overall argument we need to understand that its ok to be different.
Both authors have strong ethos because they are both big characters in the two books, Rudy Puana shares his own life story in the book “The red headed Hawaiian” and Mark Panek shares his perspective in “Big happiness” that is backed up by primary sources.
The author shows not only these charcters successess but there struggle of being different as well. In the book “The red headed Hawaiian” (63). Puana shows a scene where Rudy gets an epiphany on beocming a doctor. But threw out the chapter Puana shows you some of the struggle Rudy had becoming a doctor. Starting with the fact that his friend Chris quote said “he could never become a doctor.” This sparked a light in Rudy, making him even more equor and ambitious to push himself to be more then what Hawaiians normally settle for. This is a logos appeal Puana is sharing, this is a logos appeal because this is an argument being made if Rudy can become a doctor or not, cause most Hawaiians in his past time is where Hawaiians got the stereotype of being lazy.
In the book “Big happiness” Panek shows a scene where Kurt is covincing his brother Percy to stay in Japan because it will be hard to fine jobs here in Hawaiʻi, then goes on to say quote “ you come back to Hawaiʻi you just another fat Hawaiian.” George Kalima goes on to say “trying to get a job, if you weigh four hundred pounds, youʻre automatically a liability to any construction firm you approach. Nobody wants to hire you.” Panek shows you what these quotes symbolize. People only see whats on the outside and not on the inside, Percy a hard working person, he would be an excellent person to work but because of his appearence he never got the job, they loosed out on a hard worker which did not only affect them it affected Percy as well and the result is that he died. More people should have to recognize the value of being different. This is a logos appeal the author is sharing because we see the argument going on with Percy his torn decision to go home or to stay and stick to sumo for a few more years.