
The Relationship Between Jane And John In The Yellow Wallpaper

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The Relationship Between Jane And John In The Yellow Wallpaper
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, author of The Yellow Wallpaper, was determined to highlight the rights of women in the 1800s, or lack thereof. Gilman utilizes the relationship between Jane and John, along with Jane and the wallpaper to prove the independence and the determination and fortitude women in this century possessed.
The short story demonstrates the need for a woman to be independent. It examines a woman's fall into the madness due to their personal inactivity. In a much broader sense, the short story also highlights the struggles between marriage and career, along with social expectations and personal goals. While researching and reading about Gilman's personal life, many events reflect on her own feelings. The narrator, Jane, lost much self determination and independence, although the determination that did remain was her urge to rip down the wallpaper and set the strange woman locked in it free. At least obsessing over the wallpaper allowed her to occupy her mind. Without a doubt, the narrator is
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The componets of the wallpaper conclude with Jane being the old women who was trapped within the wallpaper. Resulting to that, the front wallpaper pattern was the imposter of Jane which John created. Eventually after she ripped down the front wallpaper which layered the back pattern, it peered to be a jail cell, was holding her back and kept her locked up. Not only did the looks of the wallpaper have symbolism but rather the less the smell of it constantly followed Jane around. The smell had more to it than yellow, it was the peers who evolved around her, she felt as if they were everywhere. The incapability of conforming to the norm was something she lacked, although she was driven to the stereotypical women growing up in the 1800s. Jane was kept away from her own child due to the capability she was unable to

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