1. The symbol that represents the religion of Christianity is The Cross. According to Christian belief, Jesus died on a cross to pay the price for people’s sins. He rose again, bringing new hope for eternal life. The cross is often shown without Jesus’ body, emphasizing the belief that Jesus rose from the dead and the promise of eternal life that Jesus’ resurrection-his rising from the dead-offers all Christians.
2. This religion approximately began 30 C.E.
3. The founder of this religion was Jesus Christ.
4. The name of the sacred text is the Bible which consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
5. This religion is based upon Christians having a relationship with God. Christians develop this relationship through prayer, Bible reading and attending church. This relationship with God leads Christians to follow God because they love God. Christians are to be followers of Christ, they are to try to live as Jesus lived;
To have a change of character: good attitude.
To have a genuine love for their neighbors and to love their enemies.
To put others before themselves
As a Christian you are to be kind, encourage others, take care of one another, and honor your father and mother.
6. The message Christianly has regarding respect for self and others is:
Pray for others.
Don’t repay evil with evil.
Serve others.
Turn the other cheek.
7. The basic beliefs about God are:
There is one God, creator of the universe and all that is in it.
God consists of three persons in one: God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit.
God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to show people how they should live; Jesus is the word of God in human form; Jesus took on himself the punishment that all people deserved because of their sinful character, thoughts and actions; he was crucified, buried and resurrected, so that people would receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God.
God is all knowing, all powerful omnipresent and internal.
God is the