The Rescue consists of three main characters, Denise, Kyle, and Taylor. Denise is Kyle's mother and Kyle is a four-year old boy who has severe learning handicaps, and Taylor is a local fire fighter. They get tangled into a mess and feelings eventually get involved. Denise is a very worry-some girl and doesn't get attached too much because Kyle takes up most of her time. She loves Kyle with all of her heart no doubt and some times she blames herself for Kyle's handicap. Kyle is an extremely energetic kid who loves his mother and struggles yes, but tries very hard to overcome his loss for words even though he does get frustrated at times. Now Taylor McAden comes off shy but he is very heroic and that is shown even within the few first chapters, and not just heroic such as a knight on a white horse but heroic when it come to love he will learn to sweep Denise right off her feet and she won't even know it. The book starts off with a raging record-breaking storm that hit town. Young mother Denise Holton and her four-year-old son Kyle were driving through the storm when all of a sudden her car skid off the road. Denise is unconscious when someone awakes her and is helping her, the first thing she does is check in the back seat for Kyle, and he wasn't there, he was gone. She started to shout for him, and then asking everyone as she struggled to get out of the car, "Have you seen my son?" No one had seen Kyle and no one knew where the little boy was. Police, Firefighters and volunteers were all called to help look for Kyle all including Taylor McAden, and it was Taylor who found Kyle's blanket in a swamp about 50 yards from the site of the crash. Kyle had been missing nearly 6 hours now, Taylor had a hunch and his officer disagreed with him but he went alone anyways, and after a while a searching there he was a little boy. Taylor brought Kyle to the hospital where his mom was, because she was still not well, and she was extremely relieved that Kyle was
The Rescue consists of three main characters, Denise, Kyle, and Taylor. Denise is Kyle's mother and Kyle is a four-year old boy who has severe learning handicaps, and Taylor is a local fire fighter. They get tangled into a mess and feelings eventually get involved. Denise is a very worry-some girl and doesn't get attached too much because Kyle takes up most of her time. She loves Kyle with all of her heart no doubt and some times she blames herself for Kyle's handicap. Kyle is an extremely energetic kid who loves his mother and struggles yes, but tries very hard to overcome his loss for words even though he does get frustrated at times. Now Taylor McAden comes off shy but he is very heroic and that is shown even within the few first chapters, and not just heroic such as a knight on a white horse but heroic when it come to love he will learn to sweep Denise right off her feet and she won't even know it. The book starts off with a raging record-breaking storm that hit town. Young mother Denise Holton and her four-year-old son Kyle were driving through the storm when all of a sudden her car skid off the road. Denise is unconscious when someone awakes her and is helping her, the first thing she does is check in the back seat for Kyle, and he wasn't there, he was gone. She started to shout for him, and then asking everyone as she struggled to get out of the car, "Have you seen my son?" No one had seen Kyle and no one knew where the little boy was. Police, Firefighters and volunteers were all called to help look for Kyle all including Taylor McAden, and it was Taylor who found Kyle's blanket in a swamp about 50 yards from the site of the crash. Kyle had been missing nearly 6 hours now, Taylor had a hunch and his officer disagreed with him but he went alone anyways, and after a while a searching there he was a little boy. Taylor brought Kyle to the hospital where his mom was, because she was still not well, and she was extremely relieved that Kyle was