Romeo and Juliet is a ageless work of art that still captivates and cultivates people and audiences all around the world 416 years after it was originally written by William Shakespeare. It was perhaps one if not the most renowned play he had ever the fortune and pure creative brilliance of writing. It is a play of avid romance and terrible tragedy in which two young lovers are deprived of what they want most in life... each other. So, they did like any other rational pair of young adults would do; they killed themselves. But who is to blame for their passionate demise? There are several people who would seem most likely, but in the end, Romeo and Juliet killed themselves. They physically took their own lives, of …show more content…
Firstly Tybalt was just generally an arrogant bastard and always acted hostile towards Romeo, even when Romeo tried to reason with him. If he had not been so hostile then maybe there coukd have been peace between their families and no need for the secrecy of Romeo’s and Juliet’s love. Secondly, Romeo came to him and tried to stop the violence and kneeled before him, pleading for peace between their two families, and he ignored him. That was a chance in avoiding the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, because if he had listened and backed down, the events that led to Romeo’s exile would not have happened. Thirdly, Tybalt murdered Mercrutio. If Tybalt would have let him live, than Romeo would not have had to revenge the death of Mercrutio and Romeo would not have been exiled and there would have been no need for the plan that led to Romeo’s …show more content…
Throughout the play Romeo acts hastily and impulsively, he was apparently in love with Rosaline, and then the next day he was in love with Juliet. He also popped the question a little early, he had practically just met her and he decided to spend the rest of his life with her. They were also from very religious backgrounds, Catholics are supposed to have an abundance of faith, yet when push came to shove they gave up on each other. They gave up on the other then killed themselves, no thought or reason, just irrational, selfish suicide. Another reason why they are to blame for their own deaths is because they actually killed themselves. They physically took their own lives, with their hands, nobody forced them, nobody plunged a dagger into Juliet, and nobody forced poison into Romeo’s mouth. They and they alone are responsible for their deaths, hence it was called suicide, not