Journal Critique #2
Critique In Daniel B. Wallace’s article “The Resurrection of Christ: Theological Implications,” key points regarding the significance of the resurrection of Jesus are discussed and reviewed through the lens of Christology. Christology can be defined as the academic study of the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth, whom Christians avow is the Son of God and the second member of the Holy Trinity. At the time of this article’s writing, Wallace was a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary from which he had also received his Ph.D. A recognized expert in Greek and the study and application of “textual criticism,” Dr. Wallace is also the senior New Testament editor of the NET Bible and coeditor of the NET-Nestle Greek-English diglot. While also being a published author, he currently blogs ( and continues to teach at Dallas Theological Seminary. Wallace notes that while there is much focus on the death of Christ, there is little in the way of the average Christian concentrating on the importance of his resurrection. Wallace sees this as a detriment to a persons faith noting, “If we neglect this part of the gospel (Christ’s resurrection), we offer ourselves a powerless gospel – one that cannot change lives.”1 Further, Wallace notes that while some may consider the resurrection of Jesus foolish, it was the cornerstone of the early church’s teaching – as it should be for Christians today. Ultimately Wallace sees the resurrection of Christ and its theological implications as pivotal to Christian faith and argues against anyone who sees it otherwise, specifically noted here is liberal theologian Rudolf Bultmann. In context of the Old Testament, Wallace argues that the resurrection was not clearly revealed until there was a “felt” need – a need that looked to the future based on hope. In reviewing the Bible in its entirety, Wallace allegorizes that; “The Bible speaks of creation as virtually the
Bibliography: The Holy Bible - New International Version. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2011. Wallace, Daniel B. The Resurrection of Christ: Theological Implications. May 28, 2004. (accessed April 27, 2014).