The continued of hatchet
Brian Robeson-the main character in some of the book from Gray Paulsen.
Derek-A man that wanted to know how Brian survived in the Canadian woods.
The setting is in the Canadian woods that had a large river and maintains.
Brian Robeson’s house.
My favorite
My favorite part was when Brian and Derek were stuck in the river and there was a dock with something on it but you have to read it yourself to find out.
The summary is when three guys named Derek Holtzer, Bill mannerly, and Erik Ballard. They wanted to see Brian to talk to him about when he was in the Canadian wood by himself. Derek wanted Brian and him do the same thing but with him. So Derek can learn Brian’s survival skills. Finally Derek got Brian to agree to do it with him. When they got there Brian saw Derek with a lot of survival equipment and he told him that they won’t need all of it. Brian told Derek that he didn’t start off with a lot of stuff, he only started off with a hatchet.
Paper by Jakob Flores