“A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.” In the poem “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”, the author suggests that light in this context has a metaphorical significance to life, the son advices his old coming of age father to grow awareness of truly being alive. As well as, light represents hope, as the light is fading the father is moribund, his hope of prospering his ambitions becomes supplementary that he feels liberated from the conjectures society imposes on him. This poem is a villanelle and it has a parallel structure, “rage, rage against the dying of the light” and “do not go gentle into that good night”, it re-occurs to create emphasis. The son tells his father to linger on enduring the hardships that life imposes on the …show more content…
”The Road Not Taken” suggests that by choosing the less travelled path, one chooses to rebel against the societal norms, revolt against conventional pathways that is use by the majority. One displays individuality, by choosing the road less taken, he does not live in regret nor despair. In comparison to that, is the poem “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”, which depicts that one should not choose to give up, “the sad heights”, reveal the father’s regrets in failing to make something out of himself. Adversity is presented to the father as a vast spectrum of severity and it has dramatically became detrimental to his life that he becomes hopeless, but he learns to endure the adversities and not escape