AP US History Mid-Term
Overall, what I learned was that throughout history, whether it is American or history within other countries, the game never changes. We repeat incidents in history and though we might expect the outcome to differ, it rarely does. “The names of the players change but the game does not.” There are trends in history and almost every incident we face can be referred to similar happenings of the past. But the most predominant and reoccurring theme throughout the centuries, and possibly back to the beginning of human civilization and governing, is the role of federal government in the people’s lives. From Ancient Civilization, to Tories versus the Whigs, all the way up to controversy between republicans and democrats the same question has been asked. Do you want a big, intrusive government that decides what is best for you or a smaller government whose primary purpose is to protect you and provide a bit of order and structure so that we are not running about doing anything we please? It is important to recognize this theme. For the role of federal government will always impact our lives directly and decide the amount of freedom allowed to both the people and the government.
Whilst reading the material for this semester, I came across the controversial topic of the limit of power to govern the people multiple times. America couldn’t seem to agree on where the line was drawn between the people’s power versus the federal governments. We had great difficulty with it in the 18th century and we still do today. This matter in the present day can be simply put as the political issues between democrats and republicans. Though they are two separate parties one will find that their wants don’t differ as much as one would expect. They want what is best for the country in order to become an even greater, efficient nation. But it’s the size of the government that divides the two. One prefers a government that is not quite significant