Addiction to heroin in young adults ages 18-30 being addicted, how it affects the human body, signs/symptoms of drug abuse, effects on daily lives of the abuser/family, and the road to recovery. Heroin has had a stigma of being one of the most dangerous drugs to use as it is highly addictive and hard to recover from; yet, it is still on the rise like a serpent stocking its prey taking a hold of weak individuals who do not have a strong enough will/mindset. The process coming off heroin is lengthier, for heroin is a neurological substance that alters your mood/behavior thus, having to use Methadone as an alternative to help reverse the addictive behavior. The term “Cold Turkey” (a sudden or abrupt manner) is not advised, since the excruciating withdraws are so severe that the body could create more health issues and sometimes death.
Statistics on 18-30 years of age having an addiction to heroin …show more content…
22.6% were between ages 18-20, 20.9% were between ages 21-25, and 15.9% were between ages 26-29. Heroin has the most risk for contracting blood-borne diseases such as HIV. The number of Americans addicted has nearly doubled from the year 2007 to 2011, with 80% of new Hepatitis C infections occur among those who use drugs intravenously. Over a quarter million of drug related emergency room visits are related to heroin abuse. Nearly half who were reported using heroin reported drug abuse started with prescription pain killers before ever using heroin for the first