The Role Of Obstacles In Successful Relationships
The word "relationship" is one of many words that people use, but have a hard time defining. The dictionary defines it as, "a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings."Many relationships have ups and downs, but some factors are more likely than others to create bumps in a relationship.Obstacles can occur throughout a relationship without even realizing it. But then again things can take a turn for the worst People who are in successful relationships are peaceful and get along, encouraging each other being there for one another. But good relations don’t just happen. In the dance piece, It Happened So Fast, choreographer Mark Haines and dancers Markeith Wiley, Heather Stockton, Javier Baca, and Sara Loder demonstrate
how couples can go through stages that can be either good or bad. The piece performed at the Landis Performing Arts Center on the campus of Riverside City College.