Within this essay, I shall explain the following; • a definition of play, • the role of culture, • play interactions within a classroom setting, • the predominant focus on speaking and listening within a play literate environment, • examples of playful opportunities that arise within such a setting, • the introduction of making childrens into storytelling through using their own experiences, and lastly, • the oppositional views voiced regarding the ‘play versus work’ debate. Throughout, I shall examine plays position in relation to society, culture and within the National Curriculum. In addition, the ways that early playful learning encounters can be developed within the school learning context shall be analysed, examples illustrated and reasoning discussed. But the principal question of why play has become such an important factor within a child’s learning, and thus be deemed to need building upon and fostered within the school environment will be clarified and discussed.
What is Play? Children's play has been acknowledged by many early years’ practitioners, educational researchers and Key Stage One teachers such as myself, as being the foremost important learning stimulus in a young child’s social, cultural and linguistic development and education. I strongly
believe that it is through play that one could consider that children learn about all of the roles of society; its norms, its irregularities and, its values. Whilst undertaking research for this essay, I found it increasingly obvious, particularly within the early years education, that the recognition of the importance of a child's need to play and that this need is the most inherent way in which children learn;
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