1997-2013 Early Years
"Discuss what major policy changes have occurred to improve education provision for Early Years in England during 1997-2013"
Historically in England, Government involvement in early year’s provision and curriculum was very little. However Education and care needs provided in early years has been adjusted for better. There has been many different ideologies backdated from history about the roles of practitioners, families about the early years provision. Many ideas based on how to work with children have differed from one and other and it hasn 't always been for the best interest of children 's learning outcomes. Adults which are working with children aged 3 or 4 must use formal methods and …show more content…
straightforward teaching (Woodhead, 1999).There has been ongoing discussions regarding the continuously and the effectiveness and appropriateness of policy 's set out by Government. This Essay is going to examine early childhood curriculum in England and examine the policy changes that have occurred in early childhood education between 1997 till 2013 to improve education provision.
In the Late 18th Century there was little support provided for children by people only on a humanitarian and philanthropic basis. In 1918 Robert Owen set up the first nursery in Scotland, He advocated "Free Play". The parents and older siblings would work in cotton mills whilst the younger children were looked after at the nursery.
Margaret McMillan together with Rachel McMillan started an open-air nursery In Deptford, London for the hopeless children around 1911. She was distressed with the state of well-being of the children and focused on use of outdoor space to provide children with fresh air provide them with exercise and nourishment. This was inspired by her socialist ideology. Prior to 1997 there was no consistent national policy implemented which therefore led to divisions in between education and care. There was no childcare available and only Part time nursery education was provided, only provided in some areas. Due to the lack of attention and regulations in the curriculum there was very Limited training opportunities for people working with or caring for children. (Jackson 2004).
In 1985 the Labour party produced a booklet outlining their plans for early childhood services but it was not until they won the general election in 1997 that they were able to put them into action. This was the start of a period of rapid change in the early year’s sector. When the Labour Government won the election they launched the National Childcare Strategy in 1998 . It was intended to increase the coordination of services available, funding assistance to both parents and providers, investing training to develop and support key workers and improvement of regulating services in early years. The Nursery Education Voucher scheme was eradicated by the state of Education after 1997 as the new early years policy was set out. The Local Education Authorities alongside early year’s services provided help for children and organised local forums which represent early year’s needs and interests and discussed development strategies. (Christine Skinner2006)
In 2003 Every Child Matters was launched by the Government which was based on multiple agencies working together for the best outcome of the child and people close to the child. The Every Child Matters policy was highly fundamental in helping promote the well-being all children. All organisations such as the police enforcement, carers and local authorities intending to provide a service for children was obliged in making sure there clients were cared for. The agencies worked together to pass on information between each other in order to provide help children be successful. This enabled children voices to be heard while keeping them away from danger. Children were continuously encouraged to engage and take part in expressing their views on changes. In assessment of local areas the views of the children was taken in to account and played essential role in determining outcomes. In March 2005 Children’s Commissioner stood behind this creation. Children voices were heard not just in the local areas but also in the Parliament. This meant that the children in need and vulnerable had an opportunity to change their future by working alongside people initially wanted to make a change in their lives. Prior to (ECM) had been reconstructed (TCF) The Children’s Fund published in November 2000 helped younger children that were less fortunate (Every Child Matters- Volume 1) (2004-2005)
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) primarily recognised in 1992 had been re-reviewed and emended in 2007. The legislation incorporated children 's services which related to social care and courts. The Government division (OFSTED) was working on inspection in early years settings. The purpose of OFSTED is to ensure public, Government and parents that fund nursery education is of acceptable qualityand toensure they are working in direction to the Early Learning Goals.. All schools that are government funded must undergo inspection by OFSTED. All children are to be assessed on their ability to count or recognize letters by shape. The assessment takes place through observing activities, reviewing documents analysing evidence and discussion. After completing the Assessment inspection, the lead inspector gives feedback in discussions, within several weeks; the preschool would receive a report of the inspection. The report goes viral allowing to be seen by public to view it. A consequence of a bas inspection could mean funding withdrawal, Michael Gove (2011)
In 2004 the Government Tony Blair published a 10-Year Childcare Strategy plan for children. The goal was to thoroughly alter early learning and care provided for children. The 10 Year child care strategy has been very successful. Many people has been benefited by the program, while it has given parents encouragement as well as alternatives for children it has been change for the better. Despite numerous Global issues and families facing financial difficulties, The program based emphasis on the importance of childcare. The programme enabled all children including ones that were disadvantaged attain their highest. Families were being supported to find jobs suitable for them. Improvement were made in maternity leave, an extension was made for 12 months as well as being financially supported from 6-9 months. In (2008), 21,000 children showed an increase improvement by 5 years old compared previous years in the Foundation Stage Profile results and children who were raised in less fortunate areas were beginning to catch up, (Next Steps for Learning and Childcare, (2009)
The early years foundation stage (EYFS)published in 2007 by Department for Children, Schools and Families. Theprogramme underlines key developments for learning and caring for children from birth to the age five. Every practitioner working with early years children must fill in an EYFS profile for every child in completion of the academic year by age five. The fundamental reason (EYFS) was launched was to allow year 1 teachers to see individual children 's profile of progress. This allows teaches to be effective and offer appropriate curriculum for the individual child’s needs. Some of the key principles of (EYFS) programme that every assessment must have a purpose. In order to help meet the curriculum needs observationwhile the child participates in daily activities is the most reliable way. Parents and other primary carers should be actively engaged in the assessment process and the child should be fully involved in their own assessment. (EYFS 2008)
In conclusion this Essay has looked at some of the changes in curriculum for early childhood education between 1997 to 2013 in England.
In contrast to prior years the Government concern on the subject policy 's for early years was new and there was barely any childcare services during the 19th century. In 1997 the Government emerge an importance in early years provisions. England was far behind other countries in taking duty 's and responsibility in childcare legislation. Approaches were more rather based on babysitting the children and was not centred on the importance of teaching and parental involvement. It was not until the New Labour was elected in 1985 that early years policy became a main concern. It was being Recognised how children 's early years encounters had an influence on their future opportunities. It was being recognised by the Government and other educated childhood practitioners that the education condition provided was vital and that not all children were in the same financial scale. The Early Years Foundation Stage helped combine education and care together. (EYFS) also replaced previous legislation for children from birth to five years old in all Early Years Settings. Regardless of the positive and negative outcomes for the suitability of many of the legislations and frameworks. Despite formal teaching in literacy and numeracy there is more initiative in allowing children to "free play" and learn while playing. Government assessments has enabled …show more content…
room for enhancement and improvement in the preschool settings and has had a more positive outcome.
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