The major purpose of Elton S. Karrmann Library is to support the academic programs of the university. Funds are available for the purchase of books and audio-visual materials, periodicals, serials, continuations, reference materials and databases, and other materials with which to maintain and build the library's collections.
Library staff solicits the active participation of the faculty and students in the selection process. While all library funds benefit the entire university, a portion of the library budget is allocated to academic departments and programs for selection of library materials. A representative from each department works with a Division Librarian in submitting requests from other members of the department. Other funds such as those for periodicals, reference materials, continuations, and serials are not specifically allocated to departments.
Orders for more than one copy
Space and budget limitations necessitate that the library normally order only one copy of a book or non-print item for general library purposes. Additional copies of an item needed for a specific class may be placed on reserve at the library
Circulation Desk.
Areas without department allocations
Faculty and staff not affiliated with academic departments (such as administration, student services, OIT, etc.) as well as students may request items to be purchased from the general library fund. These requests should be forwarded to the Acquisitions/Collection Development Librarian for consideration.
Interdisciplinary materials
Orders for materials that are interdisciplinary, particularly expensive items may be submitted directly to the Acquisitions/Collection Development Librarian for possible purchase from the general library fund.
Out-of-print material
Because out-of-print titles are difficult and costly to acquire, they are rarely purchased. Questions may be directed