Student Resources Worksheet
Student resources include a variety of helpful sites and tools that can be of assistance when completing assignments, connecting to other students, and searching for careers. Complete this table regarding student resources provided by the university. In the first column, identify where the resource can be found. In the second column, summarize each resource in at least one sentence. When you are finished with the matrix, answer the follow-up question in part B.
Part A: Resources Scavenger Hunt
Student resource
Where found
Summary of the resource
The syllabus is found up on the right hand corner of the 1-9 weeks colum.
The syllabus is where I can find out what assignments are do, get instructions on how to do them and when they are due as well.
Class Policies
Class policies are found on the classroom homepage and in the course overview box.
The policies basically break s down all of the classroom rules, from late assignment to participation points and consiqences.
University Library
This is found at the very top of the page with home,classroom, programs and more.
The library is where I can find the center of writing excellence, writepiont, along with others and do any type of school research.
University Academic Catalog
This is found at the very top of the page under program in the my program section.
The Academic catalog is where I can find the most current programs, along with all school policies.
University Learning Goals
Life Resource Center
This is found on the home page under quick links.
This basically where I can come for support, where I canget online or telephone counceling, life and career coaching as well as locate resources.
Phoenix Career Services
Is found at the very top of the page next to “ phoenixconnect”, under Careers.
This is where I can search the job market, do some career planning, build a resume and much more.
Student Workshops