ASSESSOR QUESTIONS UNIT 13 – Enable Advice and Guidance Clients to Access Referral Opportunities
|Question |Reference |Answer |Evidence Available |
|Element 13.1 – Identify options for referral |
|List at least THREE other agencies to whom you can refer|13.1.1 a |Best – Support and Training provider for individuals through Key support worker | |
|clients showing what services they offer to your | |Working Links – Training Provider for individuals | |
|clients. | |The Prospects – Provider of IAG for individuals | |
|How would you find out about agencies who you currently |13.1.1b |I would research on the internet for the service I am looking for. We also have a list of a number of |* |
|do not refer clients but which could offer other related| |agencies in the area that provide a number of services that we do not currently use. | |
|services? | | | |
|What information should you obtain before referring |13.1.2c |It is important to find out what the agency does and how it can help our clients. We would