John Updike, the author of ‘A & P’, creates a short story revolving around the narrator, Sammy. As a cashier at the local grocery store, he doesn’t see many exciting things, until three girls walk into the establishment in nothing but their bikinis. ‘A & P’ symbolizes a patriarchal system in which the author condones the actions through his “hero” narrator and his thoughts and actions. Updike reinforces sexism in his narrator with the way that Sammy thinks. In the beginning of the story he is honed into the three girls that enter his store, and once leaving the building to go after them he sees, “...some young married screaming with her children…”(42). She isn’t
John Updike, the author of ‘A & P’, creates a short story revolving around the narrator, Sammy. As a cashier at the local grocery store, he doesn’t see many exciting things, until three girls walk into the establishment in nothing but their bikinis. ‘A & P’ symbolizes a patriarchal system in which the author condones the actions through his “hero” narrator and his thoughts and actions. Updike reinforces sexism in his narrator with the way that Sammy thinks. In the beginning of the story he is honed into the three girls that enter his store, and once leaving the building to go after them he sees, “...some young married screaming with her children…”(42). She isn’t