In 1998 was an unforgettable year in the history of Indonesia. The beginning of reform and social-political change. In 1998 Indonesia experienced economic and political crisis affecting the people of Indonesia marked by rising the poverty rate. With Indonesia 's situation has worsened, Students as young intellectuals take steps on be half of the destiny of Indonesia. The role of students in protest againstt he ruling government at that time very influential marked byt he resignation of President Soeharto and succeeded to bring Indonesia to the era of reform.
New Order period (1966-1998), strongly supported by the military government and then seek support of political elitesor the bourgeoisie. Priority is done by controlling inflation and high economic growth. The support of the west and Japan also came through aid and credit. Foreign capital began to enter so that industrialization began.(Eddi Prayitno, 2007)
During the New Order government tried to press economic growth in various ways, one of them to borrow the funds of foreign countries. But in the year 1997-1998, Indonesia experienced monetary crisis which is affecting the Indonesian economy, marked by the rising all prices things needs. With a situation like this, the society began to fret and anxiety. Rising BBM up to 70% increased the suffering of the people. Added with the attitude of officers who adopts KKN (Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism) makes the society more furious. Thus, students as young people put together a program to improve the situation at that time. Sudarma in his article, said, "The student movement of the 1990s reached its climax in 1998, beginning with the monetary crisis" (Sudarma, 2008).
With Indonesia 's condition worsened, making the students take step and move in order to determine destiny of the Indonesian nation, NoviTri Setyowati in his article states that students are the younger generation successor to the nation longest
Bibliography: Sahud, S.(2008).GerakanMahasiswa Indonesia Tahun 1998-Sebuah Proses Perubahan Sosial. Retrieved May 20, 2011 from Sejarah_Indonesia(1998-Sekarang).(n-d). Retrieved May 20, 2011 from Wikipedia : Tri, S Novi.(2010). Mahasiswa Dalam Mengawali Perubahan. Retrieved May 27, 2011 from Sudarma.(2008).Gerakan Mahasiswa Dari Masa Ke Masa-7 Tahun Refeleksi Gerakan Reformasi. Retrieved May 27, 2011 from Prayitno, Eddie. (2007). AnalisisKondisiEkonomiPolitik Indonesia Tahun 1945 – 2007. Retrieved May 20, 2011 from Ekonomi_Politik_Indonesia_Tahun_1945–2007/