
The Role Of The Great Depression In America

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The Role Of The Great Depression In America
“Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body – the producers and consumers themselves” – Herbert Hoover. The Great Depression was Americas most difficult years and times in American history, with the stock market crash, unemployment, and the dust bowl almost destroying America forever. People not buying things and taking all of their money out of the banks and selling all of their shares in the stock market caused America to fall into the biggest resection in history that affected the whole world.
(History )The stock market crash is the main reason for the recession in the United States. The Great Depression was the longest
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It effected peoples beliefs on the government and caused some nations to change leaders and types of government. When the Great Depression started President Hoover held office. (The Depression Facts ) So many people blamed Hoover for the depression. A soup was named after him called “Hoover Stew.” Homeless people built tiny towns on the street and in parks around the world called “Hoovervilles.” In 1930 the largest Hooverville was built and even had its own mayor, churches, and social institutions in St. Louis and existed until 1936. (Modern American Poetry ) By 1933 there were millions of people that were unemployed. People would sell apples for five cents. Every one out of four Americans were unemployed. (Spark Notes ) Hoover refused to provide any federal assistance to relieve the suffering. He ordered the Army to remove 20,000 members from “Bonus Army,” a group of veterans and their families who marched on the U.S. capital demanding relief. Americans fed up with President Hoover, voted him and his republicans out of office, then franklin D Roosevelt took office in …show more content…
Roosevelt was elected in 1932. (Spark Notes ) FDRs first hundred days as president he created the First New Deal. He first declared a national bank holiday. Banks shut down for four says so they could come back more stable. The Emergency Banking Relief Act (EBRA) gave FDR control over banking transactions and exchange rates. He also created the FDIC witch gave people better confidence in banks. Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) provided federal subsidies to farmers and created jobs. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) put more than 25 million men to work on forests, beaches, and parks. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) tried to balance unstable economy through planning. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) improved housing standards. Tennessee Valley Act (TVA) provided jobs, hydroelectric power, food control, and recreational operations to farmers in Tennessee. (Modern American Poetry ) FDR brought Americans confidence back by restoring the economy and providing millions of people with jobs. At the start of the depression one out of every four Americans were unemployed and farm income fell some 50 percent. (Timeline of the great depression ) On February 1931 “foodriots” began. Americans, men and women, were smashing windows of grocery markets and looting fruits, canned goods, bacon, and ham. One store owner tried to stop the looters with a shogun but was brought down and had broken bones.

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