Media is our main source of entertainment and knowledge (REF) ,media has facilitate and mediate our connection with the world. Different sources of media like TV, film, internet and social media can affect the image of a tourist attraction and the way tourist lure to a specific destination. The popular media of the day influences the appeal of the travel destinations and activities through constructing or reinforcing particular images of those destinations, and acting as ‘markers’ (MacCannel1976).
Film tourism enhances the cultural value of the film location. Several heritage sights that are filmed have shown significant popularity after releasing the film. New Zealand will be the most modern destination that was positively affected by film induced tourism; For instance, Whale Rider (2002) the film which encapsulates the Maori culture, in New Zealand has highly manipulated people to visit the destination. Same as the Lord of the King film that has completely recreated the tourism industry in New Zealand. Previous research on film tourism and destination image perception (Kim and Richardson, 2003) suggests that people who had been exposed to the film were more interested in the host city and perceived destination image more favorably towards featured location than those who had not seen the film. However as suggested by (Smith et al, 2010) the expansion of different types of visitors to a destination could also provoke an adjusted behavior in tourists. So media can create a negative impact on a sight when some media images/coverage are not respecting and abiding by the rules of the site. This type of media exposure is not seen to be consistent with conservation plans set out for the site(Winter,2002)
Media- based tourism can bring additional income and jobs to an area and in particular can provide opportunities for selling souvenirs/merchandising and spin-off