In God’s plan to save His people, Yahweh sends Jesus, who is the Word made flesh, into the world to communicate with humanity through his human words and actions. (cf. O’Neill pg. 78) The words and actions of Christ are clear signs and symbols of God’s loving activity in the world. These symbols of Jesus are able to accomplish what they signify—which is the salvation of humanity, and because of this reality Christ’s humanity can, therefore, …show more content…
The visible Church, which is composed of both the clergy and the laity, manifests to the entire world the redemption and means of salvation that Jesus has attained for humanity through his death on Calvary. (cf. Ibid.) Christ’s continuous presence in the Church is visibly and tangibly present in the words and sacraments that She celebrates in Her liturgical ceremonies. (cf. O’Neill pg. 78) Christ’s mystical presence in the Church is specially maintained through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. (cf. Ibid.) Each Christian who has received either one, two, or all three of these sacraments helps to manifest Jesus’ presence to the rest of humanity. (cf. O’Neill pg. 79) By sharing in the mission of Christ, each Christian helps to keep Christ present in the world in a bodily form. (cf. Ibid.) As Christians partake of the body and blood of Christ, they are mystically united and made one with his body. (cf. O’Neill pg. 81) The baptized help to make Jesus present on earth through their participation and reception of the sacraments. (cf. O’Neill pg. 90) The confirmed help Christ to remain in the world by sharing the Holy Spirit, which they have received, with others. (cf. O’Neill pg. 87) The ordained (i.e. the priests and bishops) make Jesus present through their preaching of the Gospels and in the celebration of the sacraments—especially in the