The author has described the feelings in the way it happened in 3 different aspects. “The Land of Red Apples” her journeys from home to school though train which she called “Iron horse”. In the beginning she was very excited to ride on an iron horse. But sooner her excitement turned into a night mare when she found herself surrounded by palefaces (white people).Her Native American heelless shoes and blanket were very attractive for white kids to stare on. She was embarrassed and wanted to run away .However, she got relief when she was served with sweet candies by missionaries. Over all her iron horse ride was not pleasant. She missed her family, friends and formal lunch.
Upon arrival in the school at night time she was welcomed by a paleface lady. She was frightened with very warm and playful welcome. She thought that her mother never did this plaything to any child .This thought made her crying aloud. As a result, food table was served and later she went to sleep with a tall girl who was fluent in her native language. She was happy to talk to her .She was very exhausted and went to sleep crying and missing her family.
“The cutting of my long hair” describes the author’s worse experience of school life. First morning of the new life was another embarrassment for her. She found herself alone sitting on a