Newcastle Business School
Tutorial Assignment Submission
Student Name (as in attendance list): HuangHe
������ Student number: C3156275 Fin number: G1044664W
������ Tutorial Group: B2
������ Date of submission: 27/09/2012
Taylor used valuable knowledge into work practice, as the appearance of scientific management, the productivity of all the developed countries increased nearly 50 times (Zuo, 2007). In the meanwhile, whether the scientific management is suitable for modern age has sparked much debate. Some people assert that scientific have some limitations. Therefore, this essay tends to analyze several parts of scientific management, some problems caused by it and whether it is suitable to the modern enterprises.
Review of article
As for the given article, Locke (1982) describes the Taylor’s philosophy of management, Taylor’s techniques (time and motion study, standardization, the task, economic men, individualized work, training systems and skills management, careful selection, shorter working hours and rest pauses), the criticisms of Taylor (human motivation towards work, social factors, authoritarianism, exploiting workers, antiunion and dishonest) and the validity of scientific management. Locke, to a large degree, agrees with Taylor that he listed a large amount of evidence to support to viewpoint of Taylor. And he assert that as the along with the development of the age, there exist several problems in the theory of Taylor such as management –labor cooperation. After all, Locke justifies the validity of each criticisms of Taylor. Locke (1982) considered that most of Taylor’s ideas are still valid today.
Comprehension of key theme
Till today, some regulatory regimes formed on the basis of Taylor 's scientific management are
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