Gender roles divides social and behavioral norms …show more content…
Work has always been tied to paid employment, which is why housework has been unrecognized as work. Many working mothers choose to leave work and become a stay at home because of the frustration they face at work, managing work and family, and the amount of gender inequality they face at work (Anderson, 152). I don't think it's necessary for a women to decide that she has to leave work to take care of the family. I believe one way to reduce the disproportionate impact of the second shift on women is to divide housework and care work between both spouses. Men should also engage in housework just as much as his wife. For instance, the spouses should divide the household chores weekly to maintain a happy relationship and also work outside the house. Another way to reduce the second shift would be to have full-time and also have flexible hours. Having flexible houses is very crucial because that means working mothers can leave any time of the day to take care of household chores and not feel drained by the end of the