The Skeletal System Exercises
After viewing the animation answer these questions.
* Exercise 5.1: Coloring Exercise * * Scan completed coloring exercise and submit as a separate document. * * * Exercise 5.2: Appositional Bone Growth *
After viewing the animation, answer the following questions:
1. Define appositional bone growth. Formation of new bone on the surface of older bone or cartilage
2. Which cells produce bone material? osteoblasts
3. How is a tunnel formed around a blood vessel? Groove is transformed when the bone built on the adjacent ridges meet
4. How is the tunnel filled in to produce a new osteon? Production of concentric lamellae fills in the tunnel to form new osteon
5. What is the name for the concentric rings that form the osteon? lamellae * * * Exercise 5.3: Skeleton, Anterior View * A. skull .
B. Hyoid bone .
C. Cervical vertebrae .
D. clavicle .
E. Pectoral girdle .
F. scapula .
G. Axial skeleton .
H. Thoracic cage .
I. ribs .
J. sternum .
K. humerus .
L. Skeleton of upper limbs .
M. Costal cartilage