•Developing positive attitudes towards each other - The tourism has always being a proficiency that requires such a way of behavior that is based on diplomatic level. The people that are connected and are working in the tourist places as the hotels for example will be able to develop their way of behavior with the tourists and the domestic people as well. For example in one hotel organization, there are many different departments where many employees are working in one environment together. In order to achieve good results, the employees will have to take care about the way of the behavior not only with their working partners, but to be aware of their behavior especially with the guests as well. That will normally result with development of the positive attitude which will give positive results in the future.
• Learning about each other’s culture and customs - As a result of the tourism, the domestic people will be able to develop their selves on a cultural level. The hotel industry, different hotels, places and attractions as one important part of the tourism attracts the tourists from different countries who will be able to communicate with the domestic