The sperm is a little tiny male sex cell. If you could examine them under a microscope they would actually look like little tiny tadpoles. Sperm is so tiny that you can’t see just one with the human eye. The sperm is made in the male testicles and it takes about 72 days just to make one. A female egg is produced in a woman’s body every month hat she has a menstrual cycle and it only lives anywhere from 12-24 hours max after ovulation. If a woman is trying to get pregnant it is a good idea to have sex right before ovulation, because a sperm can live inside the woman’s body for about 2 days. The actual egg is released exactly 14 days before the woman’s menstrual cycle.
Egg production is a very important part of the female reproduction system. Hormones, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, and the uterus all work together during egg production to get an egg ready for possible fertilization. Sperm production in a man starts in the man’s testicles. It is released through the penis when a man ejaculates, and the name