They were all from different countries, different cultural groups, and all spoke different languages. Most of the enslaved Africans had never seen the sea before, or even been on a ship. They had no absolute knowledge on where they were or where they were even going. The slaves were out together below the decks of the ship. The men were most likely shackled together with one another using shackles or leg irons. The men were kept in shackles because they were considered to be very dangerous. The women and children had a little bit more space than the men because they were not considered dangerous. However, they were still all packed in pretty close, resulting that they could not make it to the toilet buckets, causing them to lay in their own filth. With everyone getting seasick, heat and the lack of air caused a very terrible odor. These conditions encouraged disease, causing fever and “body flux”, making them very sick and killing some due to the infections this disease can cause. Another common reason slaves died was due to the lack of food. Slaves were only fed once to twice a day, but if the food was limited the slaveholders got seniority over the slaves. Sometimes the slaves wouldn't even eat due to the loss of everything they had back before the voyage even started, which lead to …show more content…
As most would guess the slavers considered themselves more valuable and better than the slaves which lead to treating the slaves very poorly. The way the slavers treated the slaves did not change, it was the same cruelty from the beginning to the end of the voyages, causing most of the slaves wanting to starve themselves or to try and commit suicide any way possible. If the slaves tried to to take nourishment, coals of fire, flaming hot, were put on a shovel and placed so close to their lips that it would blister and burn them severely. Although that sounds very painful to go through some of the slaves still refused to get the nourishment they needed to survive. If they still refused to eat they would threaten the slaves and put so much force upon them to swallow the coals. It has been said that if they still refused to eat hey dumped melted lead upon them causing them to get severe burns on