Maddox Morrison
8730 Shelly Mullis Rd.
Indian Land Middle School
Eighth Grade
Elisabeth Hutchinson Jackson chapter NSDAR
729 words
The Stamp Act was a tax from the year of 1765(The Stamp Act). Many of the colonists were not exited with the king’s decision to tax them without their representation or opinion. After the tax was placed on the colonies, the unhappy colonists began to protest and an extremist group called The Sons of Liberty started to tar and feather the tax collectors to get them to think twice about keeping their job. The stamp act was placed on anything that was made of paper. It varied from documents to playing cards. Many …show more content…
My mother responded to the furious beast that has not eaten since he awoke from his slumber, “You know honey, that new tax seems alright because we do owe Great Britain for protecting us from the rotten French out west. I’m almost positive that Great Britain is in a state of depression from the French and Indian War. Well, they practically sent their whole military over here for goodness sake!”
“You’re missing the point,” growled my father. “Those rotten pigs have taxed all of the thirteen colonies without us having any say in whether we should have a tax or not.”
“Father, I think I know what you are talking about. On the way home from my friend’s house, I walked by a crowd that was screaming NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRENSENTAION!” responded my brother. “That is exactly what I’m talking about, my dad sighed. “At least one person in this entire household has a wit of what is going on out there.”
This conversation just keep going on and on among the members of my entire family. One person would bring one thing up and there would be a ten minute discussion about it. Then my sister asked what exactly was the king placing the tax on, and then the conversation grabbed ahold of my …show more content…
So it would vary from anything that we go and get printed at the press to as simple as the playing cards that we are using at the moment.” “So everything that is made out of paper that we buy we get a tax on it.” “Yes dear, and whenever we buy anything that is paper has a tax and we would have to put a stamp on the product.”
When I was playing in the streets with my friends I would hear rumors of an extremist group called The Sons of Liberty. I heard that it was a bunch of shop owners that opposed the stamp act, so they came together and formed The Sons of Liberty. (Schanzer, 19) It wasn’t just them their ranks grew very quickly. They would Tar and Feather tax collectors, and then the mob would move on to the tax collectors property and burn it down so the tax collectors would run away and the king wouldn’t have anybody to collect taxes for him. (The Sons of