
The Stereotypes And The World Of Fairy Tales

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The Stereotypes And The World Of Fairy Tales
Fairy tales have been an intellectual (integral) part of our childhood and sub consciousness.(write sub.con 1st and childhood later.) They have been read and told since (for) centuries without actually ever implicating upon the detrimental impacts it may have on our lives or rather on our the very perceptions and personalities. An analysis of the original Grim Fairy tales alarms its the readers(does it alarm EVERY reader?? Is every reader actually intellectually that capable even???) to the point of being horrified by some of the stories, where characters are seen maligning each other with murderous plots, scheming rivalry between with each other, drowning, poisoning and afflicting pain on each other with pain. One cannot help but question …show more content…
Studies have shown that women who are influenced by fairy tales or have been read often as children have self-esteem issues as compared to others. This can also be due to the accustomed representation of the fairy princesses as being epitome of beauty. A white face dominates most of the tales for instance Snow white is shown literally white as snow, the queen asking “who is the fairest of them all” reinforces the same notion. This certainly by all means is not a very positive message to be given across as it represses aspiration which can turn out to be nocuous for the self-esteem of girls who possibly do not come up to the high beauty standards set by these characters, and are eventually incapable to do anything about …show more content…
Not all sisters, mothers, daughters, half-siblings and stepmother; are depicted to be corporative/complacent towards one and other. Like the likes of Snow White and Cinderella’s evil stepmothers. These women are highly malicious and merciless towards the similar sex and controvert any notion of amity towards a woman they consider their rival. This represents what literary scholar Ruth B. Bottigheimer called “an apparent inner drive to incriminate females”, in her book ‘Grimm’s Bad Girls and Bold Boys’. These begrudging imitations present us with synonymous motives repeatedly. This ideology could severely arrest a child’s propensity to form stable and balanced

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