Title: The Stranger
Author: Albert Camus
Date of Publication: 1942
Biographical Information about the Author
Born November 7, 1913
Died on January 4, 1960
He was also a journalist and philosopher.
He won a Nobel Prize.
Genre (indicate special characteristics, if applicable)
Fictional crime drama
Philosophical novel
Point of View/Narrator
Cultural/Social/Historical Context
First Person
Narrator: Meursault
Much of Meursault’s life is similar to that of Camus’ life. They were both born in the same region of Africa and in the same country.
Brief Plot Summary (just the highlights—indicate major turning points and climax)
The novel immediately starts off with Meursault receiving word that his mother died. He seems pretty indifferent as he goes through asking off work and attending the funeral. When he returns home from the funeral, he pretty much goes straight back into normal life as if nothing was different. He enters a relationship with Marie and befriends his neighborhood pimp, Raymond. Throughout, he remains detached from reality around him, being indifferent to the fact that his girlfriend is in love with him. His apathy (somehow) results in his engagement to Marie and they (along with Raymond) go on vacation to the beach. While at the beach, Meursault shoots and killed an Arab man who was the brother of Raymond's mistress. After his arrest, Meursault's attorney seems disgusted at his detachment and indifferentness to the murder in addition to his mother's death. When Meursault meets with the magistrate, the magistrate claims that Meursault is the antichrist. Meursault easily adapts to life in prison, hardly even noticing what he was missing from before. Eventually, he is sentenced to death. He freaks out on the chaplain and finally accepts that he will die and life holds no greater meaning. He finally feels happy (which is something)