Author(s): Dennis W. Carlton and Michael Waldman
Source: The RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Summer, 2002), pp. 194-220
Published by: Wiley on behalf of RAND Corporation
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RAND Journalof Economics
Vol. 33, No. 2, Summer 2002 pp. 194-220
and to use
The strategic oftying preserve industries powerinevolving createmarket DennisW. Carlton* and Michael Waldman**
and can products be used topreserve how of
Thisarticleinvestigates thetying complementary periodcan a product thecurrent in of show Wefirst howa monopolist create monopoly positions. can in We showhowa monopolist onemarket its in future. then usetying preserve monopoly the to explains howa market. analysis
emerging to its into tying extend monopoly a newly employ in rapidtechnological undergoing to dominant an industry dominant can use tying remain firm our externalities. also relate analysis
on costsandnetwork The focuses entry change. analysis case. totheMicrosoft
References: Vol.90 (1976),pp. 475-498. M.D. "Coalition-ProofNash Equilibria I. Concepts." Journalof Economic Theory, 42 (1987), pp Economic Review, 78 (1988), pp.429-434. Arrangements theLeverage Problem." Law Review, 67 (1957),pp Antitrust Journal, 68 (2001b),pp. 659-683.