States, 1940-1965
Author(s): Antonia Maioni
Source: Comparative Politics, Vol. 29, No. 4 (Jul., 1997), pp. 411-431
Published by: Ph.D. Program in Political Science of the City University of New York
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Accessed: 12/10/2013 14:05
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Parting at the Crossroads
The Development of Health Insurance in Canada and the
United States, 1940-1965
Frequentlyraised in recent discussions abouthealth care reformin the United States has been the model of the Canadianhealth insurancesystem. ' While debates about health insurance often turn into polemical battles over which country offers the
"best" health care for its citizens, the issues at stake raise a fundamentalquestion.
Why did these two neighbors develop different forms of health insurance, a health care in Canada and a dual-tiered universal system of government-financed of Medicare and Medicaid targeted at the elderly and poor in the United system States? The contrast is even more significant when we consider that these two