God sent Moses and the fleeing Israelites on a journey to the promised land of Jerusalem. They left Egypt with all their possessions. While on their journey, they got to an obstacle. That was the red sea. So god told Moses to put his staff In the water and when he does, it will part the waters. So they can walk across on dry land. But when they were going across Pharaoh, still chasing after them with some soldiers, Pharaoh got killed with the soldiers because god started to close the water on them. Killing everyone except Moses and the Israelites. With all that Moses and god has done, the Israelites were eternally grateful, so they said "we will do everything the lord has commanded."
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When the spies came back, 10 said no go into the land, and 2 said go . The two that said go where Joshua and Caleb. All the Israelites sided with the 10 no go guys. So god was not happy with that. So he punished them by not letting them go into the promised land until 40 years. Until anybody 20 years or older had passed away. Abraham dies at the edge of Mount Nebo and Joshua takes over and leads them into the promised land. Where they marched around Jerusalem for 7 days and on the seventh day the walls fell and they walked in and took